Next Steps: Investors in People Award
Young Person of the Year: Caitlin Nightingale We’re beyond excited to share the fantastic news that Caitlin Nightingale, who leads our Next Steps programme at Teens+, has been recognised as…
Ravenscroft 0131 672 2555 / Liberton Brae 0131 468 4239 / East Lothian 0131 563 9714 / Edinburgh Centre 0131 563 9461
TEENS+ is a unique service which provides further education, life and social skills, offers work placement support, transition to ownership of tenancies and lifelong learning, to young people who, due to their needs, would ordinarily be excluded from accessing any form of further education once they have left school. Our main philosophy is everyone is entitled to lifelong learning regardless of challenges.
To register your interest in Teens+ for your young person, please complete the referral form below.
TEENS+ is a charity and we rely on the goodwill and donations of others to continue to offer the high standard service that we offer at the moment.
Young Person of the Year: Caitlin Nightingale We’re beyond excited to share the fantastic news that Caitlin Nightingale, who leads our Next Steps programme at Teens+, has been recognised as…
Teens+ marked an exciting milestone with an opening day for the brand-new kitchen at the McDonald Road Centre in Edinburgh.
Last week marked a special milestone: one year since Jennifer, one of our talented students, started her floristry placement! Here’s what she had to say about her experience: “On a…
Get ready for a merry evening packed with festive beats, holiday cheer, and plenty of seasonal sparkle.
Get in touch to find out more about the services, information and support we offer.